International Green Construction Code open for comment

Public version 1.0 of the new International Green Construction Code (IgCC) was released this week by the International Code Council (ICC), opening the new model code document to public comments through mid-May.  Like other ICC codes, the IgCC is intended to be adopted into law by municipalities who want a robust, vetted basis for local building regulations—and this time, one with energy efficiency, sustainability, and environmental quality at its core.

According to the ICC, this new “green” code is intended to supplement or “overlay” the existing family of ICC codes, including the International Building Code that was adopted as law (with many local edits) by New York City in 2008.  The IgCC is also meant to be adopted as law, unlike voluntary green certifications like the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED system.

In the name of indoor environmental quality, this public draft of the IgCC contains a much broader set of acoustical requirements than the base International Building Code.  We hope this section attracts some productive public comments in the coming months, since good acoustics are critical to environmental quality.

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